Here you have a pod of dolphins who somehow are misguided. I don't know why they decided the shore would be a better place to hang out. Surely God created them to swim in the vast ocean and not flop along the sand.
Maybe it looked like fun up there on the beach. Maybe the leader of the pod lost its way and the others just followed along.
Thankfully, there were people watching this pod of dolphins swimming toward disaster. They were quick to redirect. Though the people were obviously way out of their comfort zone, they entered the water and pulled the dolphins back to safety.
It took a few tries for some. The people had to yank the dolphins by the tail. It may have even hurt the animals a bit. Most resisted. Some swam right back towards shore just to be rescued again.
Finally, all the dolphins are pulled back into deeper, safe water and they seemed to realize that the ocean is where they truly belong.
As I sat watching this video, I was thinking about someone I know who has lost direction in her life. She is purposefully swimming toward disaster.
Do you know someone who has lost their way?
Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to that person?
You may have to ask them the hard questions.
It may sound like this: "Those shorts are awfully short, don't you think?" "Why are you hanging out with him?" "I've missed you at church. Can I pick you up this Sunday?" "Hey, I saw the picture you posted on Facebook. What's going on?"
You may have to drag them out of a situation that you know is dangerous for them.
It may look like this: "We didn't know her mom would have alcohol at this party. Let's get out of here." "I'm not going to leave you alone in the room with him." "I'll start driving when you put your seat belt on."
My prayer is that you would love your friend enough to do the tough thing. Even if she resists, keep speaking truth into her life.
Maybe you are the person who is swimming away from safety and resisting the help around you. Please go back to the where the water is deep. Make choices that will put a smile on God's face.
Remember that God loves you and want to provide the best in life for you and protect you from the worst.
True freedom is found in Christ where you can swim in safety.
But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. James 1:25