Thursday, June 23, 2011


Anti-conformity. It means to not assimilate. We want to fit into the crowd and yet we want to be unique and special. But, what does God ask of us? He wants us to be different. First Peter 1:17 tells us to "live as strangers here" and Philippians 3:20 reminds us that our "citizenship is in heaven." If you feel as if you do not belong here on planet earth, then you are probably doing a good job.

Read these words:

As you read the words above, what comes to your mind first, the color that the words actually say or the color that the words are printed in? This is a tough one for your brain, because your brain can "read" these words two different ways. You have to slow down your thinking in order to read the letters.

This happens in the spiritual realm as well. We live in this world, but we are citizens of heaven. We are constantly bombarded with the standards of earth, but we know that we should live under the standards of God.

So, how do we do it? Here's the verse to meditate on this week.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

The world is constantly pushing you to conform, but God has a better plan for you. The only way to be transformed is by the renewing of your mind. And the only way to renew your mind is to spend time reading the Bible.
That's what it takes.

Do you have a kitchen table? Is it the dumping ground at your house? You know, you walk in the door from school or wherever and you take all the stuff in your hands and you just dump in on the table. So does everyone else. Backpacks. Books. Water bottles. Hats. Mail. Whatever. It all gets deposited on the table.

Supper time rolls around and mom starts hollering from the kitchen, "Clear off the table." Somebody, probably you, has to get rid of all the stuff. You can't sit down for a good, nutritious meal without first clearing off all the junk.

The same thing is true in your brain. You get junk dumped on you all day long. You need to take time to clear it off and then you need to sit down and get some good, nutritious food. Fill your brain up with the Word of God from the Bible. You must be radically transformed before we can stand out for God in the world.

You know I love music, so here is a song by Krystal Meyers called Anti-conformity. It could not be embedded so we share the link with you below. Be sure to check it out.

This is what we talked about at our teen girls' Bible study last night. We are using the study His Girl by Vicki Courtney and I stole some of her thoughts for this blog. It is a good study and if you happen to be a teen girl who has completed seventh through twelfth grade and live in the Stafford area, come to my house at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. If you live somewhere else, you can buy the study book at a Christian bookstore or online or you can just keep reading the blog. The book is better. The Bible is best.

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